Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Meet Baby Fackler

I'm 14 weeks today and we had our second ultrasound.

The baby was too big (measuring 15 weeks) to do the testing we were there for, but I was happy as a clam just to see our little one moving around like crazy (almost too crazy to get a still shot), to hear that precious little heartbeat and to bring home a few pictures.

Cute little button nose...

"Hi, mom!"I'm just so in love already!

Oh, and though we won't be finding out the sex until 20 weeks, the tech (after hearing Claire refer to the baby as a "he") said she wouldn't be surprised if we found out Claire was right.


Andrea @ Knitty Bitties said...

Hurray for technology!

I love the two photos, I think they are priceless.

And I think a boy would be quite fun ... so I'm with Claire :).

Kelly said...

Oh so sweet! I'm so happy for you!
Every time I think about this new baby coming I just get so happy & goosebumpy! I can't wait to meet him...or her. :)

Andrea said...

Oh!! Look at that! So exciting!! HE is so cute :)

Amanda said...

Oh, happy pictures! I'm so excited for you guys.

jenn said...

Those ultrasound pics are so cute! I can actually SEE the baby! Hope you're feeling okay.

Blessed Little Curl said...

I'm so excited for you guys! What an answer to prayer!