I'm still avoiding my computer... can you tell? But, the house is clean, laundry done and put away, bills paid and Claire is asleep. There aren't any excuses why I can't share a little bit with you.
*Last week I tried my hand at homemade tortillas. They were delicious! Messy to roll them out, but oh-so-worth-it.

*Grandma Eve came over to make belated Halloween cookies with Claire. They had a blast.

*I finally finished this for Andrea.

*This is my latest project. I've been in love with
this scarf from the moment I laid eyes on it. My yarns (
Mustang & Marino) are quite a bit more vareigated so they overall look is different, but I'm loving it. I was nervous to start a project with a fingering weight yarn. I wasn't sure if the scarf would take me four years to finish, but it's going pretty fast considering.

*Saturday night my family got together for a Mexican dinner. Yummy... Chile Rellenos, Enchiladas, Tacos, Cheesy Bean Dip, Fresh Guacamole. Check out this handsome young man. We were all surprised to see this come through the door.
No more "Jesus" look for my brother, Ben.

Double handsome, Ben & Brian.

And the cuties, Claire & Elijah. Luckily Megan remembered her camera.